Tuesday 10 December 2013

The Dawn

The country I hail from, India, is thoroughly rich and well-reinforced when it comes to spirituality, culture, mythology or anything ancient. It's past has unshakable foundation, which I'm absolutely proud of.

According to the scriptures, Lord Bramha is the Father of the Universe. He's the one who created the creation. And he's the one who signifies a start. 
That is why, the period of earliest morning is known as Bramha Muhurta, the most unadulterated, serene and pristine part of a 24-hour period.
The closest translation for it in English would be dawn, but there's a margin. While dawn signifies the period when the earliest of sun rays begin to appear east sky. When the easterly stars begin to fade and the sky begins to fade in darkness, that is dawn.

Brahma Muhurta comes before dawn. Its the moment when the day is about to break. Its still night and the air is chilled. Most of the world around you is fast asleep, except the animals. A bird or two begin to chirp randomly from dark trees. The stray puppies are already up snuggling and playing. Whereas the crickets begin to make lesser sound. Every other sound of nature, the ninaad of flowing water.
The kalarav of the birds, and the gunjan(echo) of a shankh from a far-off temple. Its ineffable.

It was 4:30 AM and I was up for no reason. I went out into the December night with my jacket on and felt the milieu. The turmoil I'd been feeling inside me all became null into the infinity of that silence. That was the effect of Bramha Muhurt.

There are many moments in life, when life calls for a deep introspection. Having spent a plenty amount of time alone my introspection was uncontrolled and I lost my way. Now, things are falling in place.
Music, sound, vibrations, are very effective tools to form that mirror on which you can see yourself.

The World is a huge place for sure. But there is an even vaster expanse that lies within us, that homes our latent potentials and our true-self like a haven. Here is a link for guided meditation which you should definitely give a try once: It's worth your time: 

A Journey Within- Guided Meditation

Dear Readers, We all want to be happy. That's our ultimate motto. In order to do that, we must realize who we really are. And we need to explore and discover ourselves. We take time out for so many things which are not essential. Its necessary we take out some time-20 mins at least- for ourselves.
Do try the meditation and share your experience in comments if you'd like.... :)

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